HARP Pre-1.0 (2c7ffce) documentation

Serial Data I/O

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Serial Data I/O

For each type of object, HARP provides several derived classes which support specific data “formats”. Some of these classes actually generate data on demand, or simulate the data at construction and cache it internally. There are two ways in which these classes should be instantiated, depending on your use case:

  1. If you are writing general tools that can work with any format for a particular type, use the factory method for that type. Always wrap the returned raw pointer in a shared_ptr (see examples) to ensure proper destruction of the object.
  2. If you are instantiating a particular format of an object (for example so that you can create it and write data out), then just declare the variable.

The first of the two use cases above allows us to implement inversion of control. In other words, it allows us to write general analysis tools that work with any kind of data that provides the correct interface.


A collection of spectra are handled in HARP by the “spec” class. This represents one or more spectra with a common wavelength solution. This class also specifies which spectra represent “sky” signal.

class harp::spec
Public Functions
spec(std::string const & type, boost::property_tree::ptree const & props)
virtual ~spec()
virtual size_t n_spec() const
virtual size_t n_lambda() const
virtual void values(vector_double & data) const
virtual void inv_variance(vector_double & data) const
virtual void lambda(vector_double & lambda_vals) const
void values(matrix_double & data) const
void inv_variance(matrix_double & data) const
std::string type() const
template <class T>
boost::shared_ptr< T > shared_ref()
template <class T>
boost::weak_ptr< T > weak_ref()
friend class boost::serialization::access


class harp::image
Public Functions
image(std::string const & type, boost::property_tree::ptree const & props)
virtual ~image()
virtual size_t n_rows() const
virtual size_t n_cols() const
virtual void values(vector_double & data) const
virtual void inv_variance(vector_double & invvar) const
void values(matrix_double & data) const
void inv_variance(matrix_double & invvar) const
std::string type() const
template <class T>
boost::shared_ptr< T > shared_ref()
template <class T>
boost::weak_ptr< T > weak_ref()
friend class boost::serialization::access

Point Spread Functions

The HARP “psf” class represents the point spread function of the instrument and describes the projection of flux from individual wavelength points of each spectrum onto an image.

class harp::psf
Public Functions
psf(std::string const & type, boost::property_tree::ptree const & props)
virtual ~psf()
virtual size_t n_spec() const
virtual size_t n_lambda() const
virtual size_t img_rows() const
virtual size_t img_cols() const
virtual vector_double lambda() const
virtual void extent(size_t spec, size_t lambda, size_t & x_offset, size_t & y_offset, size_t & n_x, size_t & n_y) const
virtual void response(size_t spec, size_t lambda, size_t & x_offset, size_t & y_offset, matrix_double & patch) const
virtual size_t response_nnz_estimate() const
virtual void extent_multi(std::map< size_t, std::set< size_t > > const & speclambda, std::vector< size_t > & x_offset, std::vector< size_t > & y_offset, std::vector< size_t > & n_x, std::vector< size_t > & n_y) const
virtual void project(std::map< size_t, std::set< size_t > > const & speclambda, matrix_double & A) const
virtual void project_transpose(std::map< size_t, std::set< size_t > > const & speclambda, matrix_double_sparse & AT) const
void project(matrix_double & A) const
void project_transpose(matrix_double_sparse & AT) const
std::string type() const
template <class T>
boost::shared_ptr< T > shared_ref()
template <class T>
boost::weak_ptr< T > weak_ref()
Public Static Functions
size_t total_bins(std::map< size_t, std::set< size_t > > const & speclambda)
friend class boost::serialization::access


The HARP “targets” class represents a collection of objects.

class harp::targets
Public Functions
targets(std::string const & type, boost::property_tree::ptree const & props)
virtual ~targets()
virtual size_t n_objects() const
virtual std::vector< object_p > objects() const
std::string type() const
template <class T>
boost::shared_ptr< T > shared_ref()
template <class T>
boost::weak_ptr< T > weak_ref()
friend class boost::serialization::access

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